Friday, April 16, 2010

Use of switch Statements

 void main()
 int speed;
 cout<<"1. for 0-20\n";
 cout<<"2. for 20-60\n";
 cout<<"3. for 60-100\n";
 cout<<"4. for >100\n";
 cout<<"enter speed\n";
 case 1:
 cout<<"slow speed\n";
 case 2:
 case 3:
 case 4:
 cout<<"invalid choice";

Swaping of numbers with using 3rd num

 void main()
 int a,b;
 cout<<"Enter 1st no.\n";
 cout<<"Enter 2nd no.\n";
 cout<<"Before swapping\n";
 cout<<"\nAfter swapping\n";

Swaping of numbers

 void main()
 int a,b,c;
 cout<<"Enter 1st no.\n";
 cout<<"Enter 2nd no.\n";
 cout<<"Before swapping\n";
 cout<<"After swapping\n";

Printing Table from Starting table num upto number

 void main()
 int s,e,l,t,n;
 cout<<"\nenter starting number";
 cout<<"\nenter end number";

Is statement

 void main()
 int l,a,p=0,n=0,z=0;
 cout<<"\nenter nos.";
 else if(a<0)
 cout<<"\npositive no's are="<<p;
 cout<<"\nnegative no's are="<<n;
 cout<<"\nzero no's are="<<z;

Nested Loop

 void main()
 int a,b;

Leap Year using If

 void main()
 int y;
 cout<<"enter any year";
 cout<<"leap year";

Use of Nested If

 void main()
 int p;
 cout<<"enter percentage\n";
 cout<<"S grade\n";
 else if(p>=80)
 cout<<"A grade\n";
 else if(p>=70)
 cout<<"B grade\n";
 cout<<"C grade";

Factorial of a Number

 void main()
 int n,l,f;
 cout<<"\nenter no.";
 cout<<"\nfactorial no is"<<f;

Sum of even and odd numbers from 10 numbers

 void main()
 int n,l,e,o;
 cout<<"enter 10 nos.";
 cout<<"sum of even nos."<<e;
 cout<<"sum of odd nos."<<o;

Count Even/Odd Numbers

 void main()
 int l,n,e,o;
 cout<<"enter 10 nos.";
 cout<<"\neven nos. are"<<e;
 cout<<"\nodd nos. are"<<o;

Biggest out of 10

 void main()
 int num,n,a=0;
 cout<<"enter 10 nos.";
 cout<<"biggest no. is"<<a;

Biggest Out of 3

 void main()
 int a,b,c;
 cout<<"enter 1st no\n";
 cout<<"enter 2nd no\n";
 cout<<"enter 3rd no\n";
 cout<<"a is bigger\n";
 cout<<"c is bigger\n";
 else if(b>c)
 cout<<"b is bigger\n";
 cout<<"c is bigger";

Bigger Number

void main()
int a,b;
cout<<"enter 1st no\n"; cin>>a;
cout<<"enter 2nd no\n"; cin>>b;
cout<<"a is bigger\n"; if(b>a)
cout<<"b is bigger";

First 20 Odd Numbers

 void main()
 int l;
 cout<<"1st 20 odd nos.";